Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NIH Public Access Policy Information Session

In accordance with Division G, Title II, Section 218 of PL 110-161 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008), the NIH voluntary Public Access Policy (NOT-OD-05-022) is now mandatory. The new policy is effective April 7, 2008.

An information session about the NIH Public Access Policy will be held for CALS:
Wednesday, March 19, (noon - 1:00 PM)
Room 1420, Microbial Sciences Building

The speaker will be Julie Schneider, Assistant Director for Scholarly Communications, Ebling Library

This presentation has been scheduled during spring break so as not to conflict with teaching schedules. PIs and others conducting research funded by the NIH are especially encouraged to attend.

Basics of the Policy

As of April 7, 2008, all investigators who are funded by NIH in whole or in part must submit their accepted, peer-reviewed manuscripts to PubMed Central upon acceptance for publication. These manuscripts will be made publicly available on PubMed Central within 12 months of the publication date.

Beginning May 25, 2008, all NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports must include the PubMed Central reference number (PMCID) when citing an article that falls under the policy and is authored or co-authored by the investigator or arose from the investigator's NIH award.

It is important to comply with this policy in its entirety. The NIH has indicated that a failure to comply with this statutory requirement may delay a future grant or jeopardize future research funding.

Benefits of the Policy

The policy mandate intends to lead to broader possibilities for advancing science through 24/7 worldwide access to research and scholarship.

  • It will increase the visibility of your research.
  • It will preserve research publications for the long term.

Articles in PubMed Central may be fully integrated with other databases developed and supported by the NIH including PubMed, GenBank, PubChem, and others.

Campus Libraries Will Help

UW-Madison Libraries have agreed to help campus implement this initiative. The Libraries’ Scholarly Communication & Publishing Committee (SCP) is working with Research and Sponsored Programs and faculty to develop services and educational materials to help researchers comply with this NIH mandate.

The Libraries can:

  • Answer questions about the policy on a one-to-one basis.
  • Meet with and present to groups or departments.
  • Assist in amending a copyright transfer agreement or utilizing the campus copyright agreement.
  • Submit a manuscript to PubMed Central on behalf of the author/co-author.
  • Help grant submitters find citation information and PMCIDs.
  • Provide additional information about the NIH mandatory policy through email and postings on the libraries' scholarly communication and publishing Website.


Campus Libraries NIH Public Access Policy Website
NIH Public Access Website

UW-Madison Libraries Scholarly Communication & Publishing NIH Subgroup:
Dorothea Salo, MINDS@UW; Julie Schneider, Ebling Library; Emily Wixson, Chemistry Library

Steenbock Liaison Librarians

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