Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Culture of Sharing Forum (April 12)

UW-Madison Libraries are sponsoring a student forum on issues related to Web technologies, copyright, and open access--essentially, how and why it all matters. Come hear keynote speaker Nelson Pavlosky, activist with Students for Free Culture, and participate in breakout sessions.

Breakout sessions include:

  • Remixes and mash-ups: YouTube, sampling and legal repurposing
  • Peer-to-peer file sharing: What CAN you do?
  • Sharing your work: including open access publishing options
  • Open source: sharing programming solutions
  • Digital rights management: DRM in CDs, DVDs, iTunes and more

Closing session will be facilitated by Gavin Baker, co-founder of Florida Free Culture.

The forum will be held, Saturday, April 12 (3:00-6:00 PM) at the Memorial Union.

For more information, visit the forum site:

Culture of Sharing: P2P, YouTube, Open Access, Open Source, Copyright, and Why it Matters to You!

This should be a fun and interesting event--hope you can make it!

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