Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Citation Managers: Find the Right One for You

Citation Managers are software products that can help you to perform the following tasks:

  • Create and organize a personal research database of references gathered from databases.
  • Format manuscripts and reference lists instantly in a variety of styles (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.).
  • Share your databases with classmates and colleagues.
  • Transfer references, as need be, to similar products--RefWorks, EndNote, EndNote Web, and Zotero.

In order to decide which product will work the best for you (and you may even find it useful to use more than one), visit the online chart to compare features or the flyer, “Which one is right for you?

Additionally, the libraries will be offering workshops to introduce students and staff to these various products. Visit the online schedule and choose a date that will work for you:

EndNote & EndNote Web Workshops

RefWorks Workshops

Zotero Workshop

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