Monday, July 14, 2008


Need textbooks? Visit the University Bookstore Text Department site to see what texts may be required for your classes this coming term. In addition to the campus bookstore, you may also be able to purchase necessary texts from your local and/or independent new and used booksellers.

In addition to that which could be purchased, the frugal student may also wish to consult campus libraries and Reserve collections. Depending upon what your required reading may entail, some texts may be available in campus libraries. Search MadCat or expand your search to the UW-System to find items to borrow.

Many texts are also placed on Reserve in campus libraries. Visit My UW to find information about all reserve items that may be available for your class—either in a digitized format or held physically at a library location. (In this latter instance, you can also search for Reserve items using the MadCat Course Reserve search).

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