Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dairy Month

June has long been designated Dairy Month. In order to savor the bounty from dairy producers, the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board has posted a calendar of events at its site, statistics, and a request form for its free Traveler’s Guide, Cheese Map!

If you are interested, though, in history and status of the dairy industry, there are a variety of resources available, including the following listed below, that supply more comprehensive treatment.

The Centennial issue of Journal of Dairy Science (April 2006) features a selection of the “Major Advances in Dairy Science in the Last Twenty-Five Years”

(Full-text to this volume can be accessed by running a journal title search using the Find It form).

The Rise of Dairy Farming, Turning Points in Wisconsin History, Wisconsin Historical Society

Rethinking Dairyland (leaflets and discussion papers), Agricultural & Applied Economics

Status of Wisconsin Agriculture (annual outlook reports), Agricultural & Applied Economics

Understanding Dairy Markets (data and news), Dairy Marketing and Risk Management

1 comment:

Karen D said...

Cows on the Concourse is slated for Saturday, June 7 (Capital Square, MLK Blvd)
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM