Chancellor Biddy Martin and steering committee have
selected Michael Pollan’s
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto as the first common book selection for the UW-Madison campus.
“Go Big Read 2009” will be UW-Madison’s first common book program where students, staff and the community will be invited to read the same book, then participate in a variety of related programs in-and-out of the classroom.
Newly available in paperback, In Defense of Food dissects the Western diet where the question of “what’s for dinner” has been complicated by conflicting health claims, media hype, and agricultural production and distribution concerns. The author’s advice, “eat food, not too much, mostly plants” (advice which is elucidated in greater detail in the book) should serve to elicit discussion, from a variety of perspectives, on issues of importance to members of the campus community—a learning opportunity for all involved.
For more information about the book and a taste from its introduction, visit the author’s site for the book. And, do consult with campus and area public libraries for available copies.