Friday, February 06, 2009


Stay timely with the research literature by using ticTOCs. ticTOCS is a journal tables of contents (TOCs) service, developed by a consortium of university libraries and publishers, made freely-available online. Search for journals by title, subject, or publisher. The service brings together, as RSS feeds, the Tables of Contents to scholarly journals from more than 300 publishers.

By registering with the service, you can save a set of selected journals (MyTOCS) to view upon logging in. While you may browse these TOCS at the site, you can also export selected journal RSS feeds to a preferred feed reader (Bloglines or Google Reader) or particular article citations to RefWorks (by clicking on the RefWorks icon). Clicking on the article title will initiate a search for full-text as library (institutional) and personal subscriptions or Open Access publishers can accommodate.

As need be, do consult with campus librarians or use the Find It form to confirm subscription access to journals.

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