Scirus is an openly-accessible Web search engine designed for searching Websites of scientific content—including free Web content and sites where access may be restricted. In this latter instance, UW-Madison users (faculty, staff and students) will be able to enable a Scirus search preference to additionally retrieve available full-text articles and print subscription information from UW-Madison Libraries. (Once set, a Find It button will appear in the retrieval for articles).
The basic search interface to Scirus enables a user to enter his/her search query into a single search window and to select limits to Journal sources, Preferred Web sources (set of open access journals, research e-print sites, government agency sites, patents and digital archives) or Other Web sources. Specific phrase searching can also be indicated.
The advanced search interface enables a user to construct a more complex search query with multiple windows joined by Boolean operators and to apply limits to fields of the online record, date range, Web content sources and subject areas.
Scirus is an Elsevier product.