Monday, August 28, 2006

RefWorks in a Nutshell--Workshop Opportunities

Organize and manage your research with RefWorks. RefWorks is a software product, supported by UW-Madison Libraries, that enables you to create and manage a personal database of research information.

Drop-in workshops will address the basic features of the RefWorks product, including organizing records, importing records electronically from MadCat and journal databases, and preparing bibliographies.

Steenbock Library will host three early fall workshops:

Thursday, September 7th (4:30-6:00 pm)
Tuesday, September 26th (11:30 am-1:00 pm)
Friday, October 27th (1:00-2:30 pm)

No registration is necessary in order to attend and all workshops are free to students, faculty and staff. Check Steenbock's lobby sign for room location.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mark your Calendar! Free Tours & Workshops

Plan ahead to attend a library workshop or tour. The schedule and descriptions of fall workshops are posted at:

(Printer-friendly handout)

All workshops are hands-on unless otherwise noted and no reservation is required to participate.

Check the Steenbock entrance sign for the location of your workshop.

Consultations or workshops for small groups can be requested by using the Web form at: