Tuesday, April 13, 2010

National Library Week, Activities and Contests

Celebrate National Library Week (April 11-17) with campus activities, contests and events.

"Picture Yourself in the Library" Photo Contest
Capture an image of yourself in an identifiable library setting and email it to campus libraries. Participants will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card to the University Bookstore.

Contest images will be featured on the National Library Week activities page throughout the week.

Edible Book Festival
See what our area food artists have created during the Edible Book Festival, Tuesday, April 13 (5:00-7:00PM), Memorial Library Commons (Room 460)! An "edible book" is made from edible materials that are crafted to evoke books in either shape or content. Memorial Library will provide light snacks, sodas and coffee during this event.

"Star in your very own READ Poster"
Bring a copy of your favorite book to MERIT Library to pose for a personalized READ Poster. The library will take photos between 3:00-6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, (April 12-16). Posters will be produced at 11x17 in size and cost $3.00 each as charged to your campus print/photocopying debit-card. The library requests one pose, per person or group, and that you allow a week for its creation.

Work a crossword; solve a wordfind.
Should you need answers to the crossword or would like to learn more about the resources in the wordfind, come speak with a campus librarian.

Of related interest:

Listen to Why Neil Gaiman (author and honorary chair for National Library Week) Loves Libraries, Minnesota Public Radio

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